
How to prevent dandruff

There are two types of dandruff: dry and oily: the first is usually manifested at puberty and is characterized by the presence of fine scales, they can give rise to a layer of white powder on the scalp, but can be easily removed recurrence is very common.
Oily dandruff appears in adolescence due to high production of sebum and these scales are located on the scalp and are greasy. Doctors say that to cure this disease must be made to use shampoos antiseborrea as there are no treatments that eliminate the causes dandruff nor are there methods to prevent it. Shampoos used must contain among other things: salicylic acid, tar, sulfur and selenium sulfide daily and should be placed according to the recommendations of dermatologists. In case the dimension of seborrhea have a severe inflammation will require stronger treatments.

Remedies for dandruff

There are homemade and natural solutions to eliminate dandruff, follow a strict diet by eating vitamin B (which stabilizes the scalp), shellfish, red meat, sunflower seeds (helps counter the absence of zinc), sardines, salmon, etc.
While causes can be found in shampoos dandruff unsuitable for hair dyes in abuse and severely rub the scalp. As home remedies to eliminate these causes recommend rinsing the hair after each shampooing and maintain a balanced diet.
If no improvement is noted after two or three weeks of using anti-dandruff lotion is recommended to consult with your doctor to change this lotion as it may be likely that one of the chemical components of the lotion is harmful for the hair.
A very good home treatment efficiency of mixing a few drops (1 or 2) of essential oil of tea tree shampoo that is commonly used, then proceed to wash with him leaving for three minutes in the hair, if that does not work added to the last rinse water is a good choice.
Dandruff can be, in many cases, resistant and does not heal completely, reappears in cycles therefore should take some steps to get it under control. Like any early treatment should be intensive and should be reduced as dandruff disappears, but as a warning we must affirm that intensive treatment as everything can not be used for a long time as they irritate the scalp.